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Ellen Kannatt

(203) 787-3434 x129
203-865-7640 fax
203-645-4935 cell phone

197 Bradley St.
New Haven CT , 06511

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Ellen Kannatt brings a breathe of knowledge about New Haven in general and specifically the East Rock neighborhood. Ellen has lived in the East Rock area of New Haven for the past 25+ years with her husband Fred Groen and sons Zachary and Max. Ellen has served as the president of the PTC at the Foote School, been an active supporter of New Haven Youth Soccer, the past coordinator of the Eli Youth Lacrosse Program at Yale and for the past 5 years Ellen has served as the co-chair for New Haven Reads Annual Spelling Bee Fundraiser. In addition to her career in Real Estate, Ellen runs her own Kitchen Design firm here in New Haven, Architectural Kitchen Solutions, LLC. Ellen has worked in the architectural field designing kitchens and bathrooms in many houses in and around New Haven, including work on a number of New Haven's historical and classical homes. Prior to starting her own company, Ellen was employed as a Rehabilitation Therapist at Yale Psychiatric Institute for over 15 years.

Let Ellen's background and experience within the New Haven community help guide your plan for a home and life within the New Haven area.